Sunday, May 23, 2010

Valentin Parnakh was his fav revolutionary jazz musician, and hes pretty big on beyonce

-Isabella (on Trotsky's musical preference)

Where's Rassy?

Strenth rating: 4 beards

Good luck fellow revolutionaries!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I think it’s illegal to text and razor scoot at the same time, but whatever. I live dangerously.

-Look at this fucking hipster (see picture below)

Top 5: reasons why Trotsky would hate hipsters!

1. Trotsky was an idealist, as I am sure you are all well aware. Hipsters are just ironic, and it get's old real quickly.

2. Have you SEEN "Look at this fucking hipster"? How can you not hate, Trotsy would be NO exception.

3. As one who wanted CHANGE, Trostky would be disgusted that the whole sub-culture of hipsterdom is a completely un-original; "take your grandmother's sweater and Bob Dylan's wayferers, add jean shorts, Converse All-Stars and a can of Pabst and bam- hipster!"

4. If the revolutionaries were around today, Stalin would probably be a hipster. But then again, I think Lenin would have been an indie. Trotsky would have steered clear of any unconforming conformity and just been himself.

5. Trotsky didn't give a shit if anything was cool or not!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Better to die standing than to live on your knees

- Che Guevara

This is from when we went to Mexico:
We were going after Trotsky, word had got out that some deranged cossack warrior had a ice pick in his hand luggage and was ready to use it to bring down one of the greatest revolutionary figures this world has seen.
Elizabeth maintianed a positive outlook, but I (quite rightly) feared for the worst. May god rest his Russki soul.
But, theres no use crying in the breast milk - go watch "Che: The Argentine" Its like a docu-film-entary on the revolution he headed in Cuba. Benicio Del Toro is Cuba-licious as the leading man.
I give it 4.5 cossacks.