Thursday, May 12, 2011

You're spending money like you're on death row

-Jedward, Lipstick

"Two posts in as many days! WHAT IS GOING ON?" I hear you all screech. Well, fair warning the post you are reading does, unlike yesterdays, have an actual reason behind it, nonetheless an INCREDIBLE one!

It's that time of year again, dear friends; EURO-FUCKING-VISION!

Let me begin by bringing to light my deepest, darkest secret- I LOVE Eurovision! And when I say "love" I don't just mean "love" but in fact mean "COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY ENTHRALLED, AMAZED AND AWED BY THIS INCREDIBLY, UNDENIABLY BEAUTIFUL, MARVELLOUS AND BREATHTAKING EVENT"

So no doubt, every time this venerable circus roles into town, I am in my prime!

Currently, France are the odds-on favourite to win. I'm not so sure, I'm of the school that thinks "Popera" isn't really suitable for Eurovision, what with violins being an actual instrument and all...

Second favourite is also MY favourite: IRELAND!

'Jedward' are representing Ireland this year, with the amazing "Lipstick". Honestly, if they don't win I'll be heart broken.

Their hair could enter as it's own country...and WIN!*

Now to Russia, ahhh those Ruskis. Alexey Vorobyov's "Get you" has been produced by none other than Red One (of Lady Gaga fame). Alexey is "an incredible talent" declares Mr. One. I'm not so sure, but maybe I just can't see it for what it really is because I feel it would be 1000x better (and sexier) in Russian. (2.78 cossacks)

Eurovision, that time of year when all I want to do is be a 90s-themed back-up dancer...

*There is so much I want to say about that hair! Like, if everybody had hair like that there would be no war. Not only because everyone would obviously be legends, but also because all of man-kinds resources would be used on hairspray. Also, they are like a distant-smurf cousin, if they died it blue they could probably get roles in the upcoming smurf movie. When one has hair that vast, do they need to get a permit or something for it? Does it have it's own postcode? Lastly, not exactly on topic but still brilliant is this:

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