Tuesday, November 24, 2009

All are not cooks that walk with long knives

-Russian proverb

The Top 5: reasons why we haven't been posting!
1. We are no longer required to study the amazing Russian revolution, and although that is a little sad, it's really more of a cause for celebration.
2. The exam of previously mentioned study was, well, not as good as expected. And thus, this just brings back memories of how bad I did.
3. Inspiration is hard to come by when you no longer need to spend hours filling your head with pointless facts about the Kulaks (when it's not even on the f***ing exam!) and can instead, be outside enjoying the weather, shopping or getting wasted.
4. I went way overboard during the October Revolution, averaging one-post a day for 4 days. That's too much.
5. I don't think anyone is reading this...


Isabella said...

I read it.
Dude, it is too painful.

Elizabeth said...

but you don't count. Your one half of the blog.
It still pains. Well get better when the pain heals, right?

Bats! Bats! said...

i read it.
but i am SERIOUSLY at a loose end right now. i have literally nothing left to do but roll cigarettes.